

  • すでに集まった金額
    778,000 (111%)


飼い猫のジジが、治療しないと99%死んでしまうFIP(猫伝染性腹膜炎)という病気に罹ってしまいました。特効薬のMUTIANはまだ日本では未認可で、とても高価です。しかし、ジジは今、懸命に病気と闘っています。皆さんにもどうか頑張っているジジを応援していただきたく投稿させていただきました! --- My cat Jiji is suffering from Feline Infections Peritonitis (A.K.A FIP), whose fatality rate is 99% without any treatment.  The effective medicine  “MUTIAN” against it been approved yet in Japan so that it’s too expensive for us to afford (around $10,000).  However, Jiji is now fighting her disease, and we really want her to get proper medical treatments.  Therefore, I would appreciate if you could donate and cheer her up!! If you donate, I’ll send you Thanks-Email.  we can only accept paying via credit cards. And I hope you can spread the info about this project to your friends and anyone!  ---